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What is Waxing?

What is Waxing?

Waxing is a method of hair removal that effectively eliminates hair from the root. In comparison to alternatives like trimming, shaving, hair removal creams, and threading, it is often the preferred choice.

Travel back in time to ancient Egypt around 1150 BC, where reports revealed the smooth, hairless bodies of women in Ramses III’s harem. 

The roots of this hair removal method likely extend even further, possibly to 3000 BC, with a focus on areas like the legs and underarms.

At Magdalen’s Pure Skin Care, we’ve got your back (and legs and underarms). Our commitment? Using top-notch products specifically crafted to pamper sensitive and delicate skin.

Picture this: a soy-based wax that’s a natural antioxidant and a fantastic emollient, catering to all skin types. 

We take the extra step by prepping your skin with a protective oil before the adventure begins. 

And once we’re done, an aftercare oil swoops in, soothing, calming, and bidding farewell to any lingering wax.

For optimal results, we recommend a minimum hair length of 3-4 weeks skip the trimming, though.

Back in the ’80s, the waxing craze took off, drawing in more women seeking a quick and affordable solution to bid farewell to unwanted hair. Intrigued? 

Dive into our article to discover whether it is the perfect match for your unique skin type and preferences.


What are the benefits of waxing?

Here are some of the benefits of waxing that make it a game-changer:

Long-Lasting Smoothness:

Picture this – when you wax, you’re not just removing hair; you’re saying goodbye to it from the roots.


The result? Weeks of silky, smooth skin. How long exactly?


Well, that can vary from three to six weeks, depending on how speedy your hair follicles decide to bounce back with new growth.

Dead Skin Cells Exfoliation:

Waxing isn’t just about hair removal; it’s like a spa day for your skin. As you bid farewell to hair, you’re also shedding dead skin cells, giving your skin a fresh start.

No Skin Side-effects/Damage:

Unlike the potential pitfalls of shaving or using hair removal creams – think pigmentation, cuts, or weird smells – waxing tends to play nice with your skin.


Say goodbye to the irritation that some hair removal gels and creams can bring to the party.

Also Read: What’s better: Waxing or Shaving?

Decreased Hair Regrowth Rate

Regular wax appointments help hair become finer and softer, making life smoother.

Very Few Ingrown Hair:

Worried about those pesky ingrown hairs? Regular wax appointments can reduce the risk of ingrown hairs compared to the nicks and cuts that often come with shaving.

benefits of waxing

Can Regular Appointments Remove Hair Permanently?

NO! Not permanently.

While it’s not a permanent solution, it’s pretty effective for a good stretch. 

Waxing involves pulling out the entire hair, roots and all, giving your follicles a break. 

For a while, your follicles stay empty, and you revel in that smooth skin feeling. 

In about three to six weeks, the follicles bounce back, and new hair begins its journey.

Now, here’s the silver lining – frequent wax treatment isn’t without consequences for your hair follicles. 

It takes a toll, causing damage and weakening the hair.

The result? Some lucky folks experience minimal regrowth after this hair-removal extravaganza. 

Yet, in most cases, the follicles patch up on their own, and the hair party resumes.

If you’re committed to the waxing routine, here’s the scoop: over time, you’ll likely witness a slowdown in regrowth.

The bonus? The regrowth tends to be thinner and finer. 

So, while wax treatment isn’t a magical “never-grow-again” solution, it does have some long-term perks for those who stick with it.

What Are Its Different Types For Hair Removal?

Hair and skin vary from person to person, and this diversity influences the choice of waxing methods and ingredients tailored for effective hair removal on different areas of the body.

Soft Wax

Soft wax, also known as strip wax, is employed in various hair removal processes. 

In this method, a thin layer of warm body wax is applied to larger body areas such as legs or arms using a wooden spatula or roller.

The process involves placing a cloth strip over the wax and then swiftly pulling it off to remove the hair.

Soft wax excels at efficiently eliminating tiny, fine hair strands, resulting in smooth skin.

However, it’s crucial to note that soft body wax should be applied only once per area in a session, as it adheres to the skin.

Using it multiple times on the same area can lead to the pulling of skin cells, potentially causing bleeding and skin damage.

Hard Wax

Hard wax emerges as a versatile choice for eliminating both thicker and delicate, fine hair. 

Unlike soft body wax, hard wax adheres to the hair rather than the skin, resulting in a less painful experience.

This characteristic makes hard wax particularly suitable for smaller, more sensitive areas such as the upper lip, nose, underarms, and bikini region.

In the hard wax process, warm wax is applied directly to the skin and allowed to cool. 

Once hardened, it can be effortlessly removed by pulling it off in the opposite direction of hair growth.

Fruit Wax

Fruit wax stands out as a stripless wax treatment alternative, akin to hard wax, but with the added advantage of incorporating the goodness of fruits.

Enriched with extracts from fruits such as papaya, strawberry, pomegranate, plum, and various berries, this wax provides your skin with the nourishment of fruits, antioxidants, and vitamins, all while effectively removing hair.

Especially beneficial for sensitive skin, fruit wax proves to be gentler compared to basic resin-based options. 

Typically, it tends to steer clear of causing rashes, bumps, or marks on the skin.

Chocolate Wax

Opting for chocolate wax is a popular preference for those seeking a waxing experience with less discomfort.

Chocolate, known for its antioxidant properties, not only facilitates hair removal but also nourishes the skin during the waxing process.

Enriched with glycerine, along with beneficial oils like soybean, sunflower, or almond oil, as well as vitamin E and other minerals, chocolate wax stands out as a hydrating option.

Its formulation, rich in soothing and nourishing ingredients, makes it particularly suitable for skin prone to irritation and redness.

However, it’s worth noting that chocolate wax falls on the pricier side compared to other wax treatments.

Sugar Wax

Sugar wax, an age-old hair removal method, stands as one of the most natural approaches to hair removal. 

This uncomplicated waxing formula combines sugar, lemon, and hot water. 

The sugar component works akin to soft and hard body wax, effectively pulling out hair from the root. 

Given its composition of natural ingredients, sugar wax becomes a favorable choice for individuals with sensitive skin.

Similar to hard wax, sugar wax adheres to the hair rather than the skin. 

This characteristic allows for multiple reapplications and hair removal sessions without causing any damage to the skin. 

As a natural hair removal option, it is versatile and can be applied to any part of the body.

Also Read: Sugar wax vs hard wax: Which one is better?

waxing and hair removal service

Does It Makes My Face Worse?

Within the beauty community, an unverified theory has been circulating, suggesting a possible link between consistent, prolonged waxing, and the formation of wrinkles on the face.

The idea is that the repetitive hair removal appointments might lead to the stretching and sagging of the skin over time.

While this concept lacks conclusive evidence, it underscores a general awareness of how the use of artificial products can potentially pose risks, especially when not used with care.

Recognizing these concerns voiced by customers, we’ve taken a proactive approach by introducing Nu-free, an innovative all-natural soy-based wax. 

Unlike some traditional wax products, Nu-free proudly excludes the use of any artificial ingredients. 

Its unique formulation is designed to address the worries associated with waxing, particularly focusing on the facial area.

What sets Nu-free apart is not just its natural composition but also its antimicrobial properties. 

These properties mitigate potential side effects that might arise from the use of other wax products.

In prioritizing a more natural and skin-friendly approach, Nu-free aims to offer a waxing experience that aligns with the growing demand for safer and gentler beauty solutions.

Which Type of Wax Is Best For Hair Removal?

The majority of individuals favor hard wax due to its unique quality of adhering solely to the hair and not the skin.

This distinction contributes to a waxing experience that is generally less painful compared to using soft body wax.

While hard wax is generally favored for its hair-only adherence, it’s important to note that even this method can sometimes lead to skin irritation or discomfort, especially if not performed with care.

However, at Magdalen’s Pure Skin Care, we address this concern by prioritizing the well-being of your skin during the waxing process.

Here’s why Magdalen’s is the best place to get waxed:

Wax made With All-Natural Products is used:

Ditch the chemicals and embrace nature’s caress. 

Magdalen’s botanical-based waxes are gentle even on the shyest skin, infused with soothing lavender, calming chamomile, and antioxidant-rich green tea. 

Your skin will thank you with whispers of softness.

Expert Hands, Flawless Results:

No fumbling rookies here! Magdalen’s boasts certified estheticians who wield the wax wand like Jedi masters. 

We meticulously remove unwanted hair, leaving behind only a canvas of touchable smoothness. 

Patchy jobs? Not in our vocabulary!

Tailored for You:

One size doesn’t fit all, especially when it comes to hair removal. We understand. 

We customize our approach to your unique skin type, hair growth, and desired level of bareness. 

From bikini newbies to Brazilian veterans, we’ll craft the perfect hair removal experience for you.

Beyond the Wax:

Magdalen’s Pure Skin Care is a skincare sanctuary. 

Facials, rejuvenating peels, and the magic of HydraFacial await, keeping your skin glowing long after the last hair whispers goodbye.

Rave Reviews:

Don’t just take our word for it. 

Magdalen’s Pure Skin Care boasts over 1,500 glowing reviews from satisfied clients.

Check out our website – the accolades sing for themselves!

But what about the best practices? Our estheticians follow them like gospel:

Prepping is key:

They’ll gently exfoliate your skin to prevent Ingrown hairs and ensure perfect wax adhesion.

Precision counts:

They apply the wax in the direction of hair growth, minimizing discomfort and maximizing results.

Bye-bye bumps:

They use soothing serums and calming balms to prevent irritation and keep your skin happy.

Aftercare advice:

They’ll give you expert tips on how to keep your skin smooth and bump-free between waxes.

Ready to experience the Magdalen’s difference? Book your appointment online or call us at (240) 223-3955.

What makes our waxing and hair removal service better than others?

How often should I get my waxing treatment?

It is recommended to schedule a wax session every four to five weeks for optimal results.

Consistent waxing is crucial as it helps desensitize the skin over time.

With regular sessions, the hair follicle gradually loses its firm grip on the hair, making the removal process smoother and less uncomfortable.

Furthermore, frequent wax sessions may contribute to a reduction in hair growth over time, providing an additional incentive to maintain a regular waxing routine.

Is there anything I should do before my waxing appointment?

Yes, here are the things to need to do before your waxing appointment

Hair Length Check:

Ensure that your hair is of the appropriate length for waxing. This ensures optimal results during the waxing procedure.

Cleanliness is Key:

Make sure that the areas you intend to wax are clean before the treatment. Clean skin provides a better experience.

Medication Caution:

Certain medications and products can impact your waxing experience. 

Avoid using topical exfoliants like Retin-A, Renova, and hydroquinone on the the areas to be waxed.

If you are on oral acne medications such as Accutane, blood-thinning medications, or using topical/oral cortisone, it’s essential to be aware that these can make your skin more sensitive.

This heightened sensitivity could increase the likelihood of irritation or other complications during the treatment.

If you’re uncertain about whether you should proceed with your appointment while on medication, it’s always wise to consult your doctor for guidance.

Ensuring these steps are followed before your appointment can contribute to a more effective and comfortable experience.

What should I expect after my first treatment?

Hairless skin! It is advisable to steer clear of the pool on the same day 

Chlorine present in pools may lead to irritation in recently waxed areas. 

For those with special occasions on the horizon, such as brides preparing for their big day or individuals gearing up for a holiday, I recommend scheduling waxing services a month before the significant event or departure.

This allows time to observe how your skin reacts. 

If everything goes well, you can confidently reschedule another session a few days before the special occasion or departure for that flawless look.

Ever wondered how celebrities maintain that perpetually flawless, hairless look? 

Well, wonder no more! The secret weapon in their arsenal is often professional wax treatments. 

Check out the linked article, where we delve deeper into the world of celebrity waxing secrets 

Here we have revealed their preferred methods and the reasons behind their choices.

Will I get ingrown hairs?

Indeed, it is possible.

Waxing does more than just remove hair. 

It extracts it from the root, causing your skin to naturally toughen and thicken over the waxed area. 

To ensure the best post-treatment experience, it’s crucial to maintain gentle exfoliation.

Consider using a mild scrub approximately two days after your treatment, and continue exfoliating one to two times per week thereafter. 

Remember, the key is to keep it gentle!

For additional care, a blend of tea tree and lavender oil can be beneficial. 

Both oils carry antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, helping prevent irritation and promoting skin health.

Opt for loose-fitting clothing post-wax to allow your skin to breathe and reduce moisture, particularly in areas prone to perspiration like the bikini, lip, and underarms.

These areas are more susceptible to bacteria growth due to perspiration and moisture after your wax appointment.

This precautionary measure helps protect the open hair follicles from potential bacteria and ensures a more comfortable recovery period.

Also Read: Does Brazilian Waxing Cause Ingrown Hairs?

Can I shave between waxing appointments?

Certainly! It’s strongly advised against shaving between your waxing appointments for a few important reasons. 

When you wax, the hair is removed from the root, which has a positive impact on the natural hair growth cycle. 

Over time, regular appointments weaken the hair follicles, leading to finer and softer regrowth.

Now, when you shave between your scheduled sessions, you disrupt this carefully managed growth cycle. 

Shaving cuts the hair at the surface, leaving the hair follicle intact. 

As a result, when you return for your next appointment, there is a higher likelihood of encountering more hair than if you had adhered to the recommended wax appointments.

Consistency in waxing appointments allows for a more effective hair removal process, ultimately leading to a reduction in hair growth over time.

Will waxing make my hair grow back thicker/stronger/darker?

No, it won’t. Waxing, as a hair removal method, extracts hair from the root, often weakening the root in the process.

Contrary to popular misconceptions, frequent and regular wax treatments tends to result in finer and sparser hair growth over time.

Regular appointments have the tendency to make hair appear sparse and less coarse.

It’s crucial to note that the only factors known to influence hair growth are hormonal, whether they occur naturally or through artificial means.

Therefore, for those aiming to achieve finer and less noticeable hair regrowth, waxing is a favorable choice over shaving.

What is a Hollywood or Brazilian wax?

A Brazilian wax involves removing the majority of hair in the bikini area, leaving only a central strip untouched. In contrast, a Hollywood wax treatment entails the complete removal of all hair growth in the bikini area.


Waxing is a semi-permanent hair removal method that involves applying a sticky substance to the skin and then ripping it off, removing hair along with it.

It’s a popular choice for people who want to achieve smooth, hairless skin for weeks at a time.

There are many benefits to it, including:

Long-lasting results, exfoliation of skin, leaving your skin smoother and brighter, no skin damage and a slower hair regrowth as well.

If you’re considering a wax treatment, it’s important to consult with a professional esthetician to ensure that you get the best results. 

They can help you choose the right type of wax for your skin and hair type, and they can also teach you how to care for your skin after your treatment.

So, if you’re ready to ditch the razor and embrace the wax, go for it! You won’t be disappointed.

Ready to shed the stubble and unlock weeks of smooth, confident skin? Magdalen’s Pure Skin Care is your haven for expert treatment that leaves you feeling pampered and polished.

Don’t just take our word for it, check out our website for over 1,500 glowing reviews from satisfied clients who’ve discovered Magdalen’s magic.

Book your appointment online or call us at (240) 223-3955. Your hairless, happy future awaits!


Magdalen's Pure Skin Care